Micro-Trauma in Junior Tennis is a Child Welfare Issue

Posts and Publications by Chris Lewit

Many kids and parents are choosing a different sport that is not so harsh emotionally for the young ones.

In virtually every other sport, when young children are under stress and duress, there is a parent or coach there to help support them through the tough period. But in tennis, the kids are isolated. And I believe this damages them. It is traumatic for many children.

And those families will choose another sport.

Those micro-traumas also add up over time.

That’s why I believe this is fundamentally a child welfare issue above all else.

Chris Lewit, the Prodigy Maker

Follow Chris at these websites and social media links:

Website: www.chrislewit.com
Blog: www.ProdigyMaker.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChrisLewitTennisAcademy
Twitter: www.twitter.com/chrislewit
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/chris-lewit-tennis-academy
Instagram: www.instagram.com/chrislewittennis/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/ChrisLewit
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-prodigy-maker-tennis-show/