Sunday Tennis Q and A with Chris Lewit Episode 17. Ambidextrous Tennis ChrisApr 16, 2019Apr 16, 2019 Posts and Publications by Chris Lewit Enjoy Chris’s latest talk show episode! Visit For the original Facebook Live Show with viewer comments Chris discusses the future of modern tennis technique: Symmetrical Training. Could dual hand forehands and serves be the future technical standard? —Learn how ambidextrous tennis technique is critical to reducing repetitive use injuries at all levels of the game—from junior to senior to pro. —What is the preacher grip? —How do you change grips with two forehands? —How can we train ambidexterity in children? —Is the one handed backhand near extinction at the pro level? —Why the forehand is the next evolution of the two handed backhand. —Top High Performance coaches and parents of highly ranked kids join the show and share in the discussion! Vamos! Learn from Chris online from anywhere in the world! Share this:FacebookLinkedInTwitterPinterestRedditLike this:Like Loading... <span class="nav-subtitle screen-reader-text">Page</span> Previous PostPatology #41Next PostMore On The First 4 Shots Myth