Statistical Averages Are Deceiving!

The Lewitology

“Statistical averages are deceiving. While the average rally length in matches may be 4-6 shots, players must learn how to be successful in all rally lengths, including 10+ rallies, which often become important inflection points in a match.

Therefore, it is critical that young players learn how to defend, grind, and build long points in addition to learning how to attack with the serve and return.

As young players progress over the years they will find a game style based on their personality, and they will gravitate towards a more proactive or reactive strategy.

It is wrong for the coach to impose his or her view of the “correct” way to play based on a bias. The way Rafa plays is correct for him. The way Federer plays is correct for him.

Borg has a different personality than McEnroe and their contrasting styles reflect this. If a coach teaches ALL his or her players to play the same style, something is wrong with that system.
Stats don’t trump personality traits.

Coaches should not force a kid to play one way or the other, but they should teach a balanced game and let the student’s personality drive the game style as he or she develops.”

–Chris Lewit

LewitologyChris Lewit, Prodigy Maker

Cheating in Junior Tennis is Tarnishing the Sport

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