Enjoy Chris’s latest tennis talk show replay!


Season 1 Episode 8. Sunday Tennis Q and A Live with Chris

Chris and his cohost Sammie the dog had an awesome show!

Chris discusses the debate and benefits of hand feeding, Spanish style training, a rarely discussed benefit of clay court training, the technical future of the game, the most important areas to develop for athletic development, the potential MYTH of the first 4 Shots, whether talent beats hard work, and much more.

Chris also discusses the merits of his technical approach and whether his technical system, especially regarding the parabolic forehand and inverted finish, will become a standard in the industry.

Sammie sleeps most of the show! Chris’s wife Kim makes a cameo by cooking beans for dinner in the kitchen and nags Chris sotto voce off camera.

Can’t beat this show! Don’t miss it!

Here is the link to the Facebook Live comments


Tennis talk show with Chris
Chris Lewit is known as a prodigy maker.

Live On Court Private Lesson with Chris Lewit