Simple Things To Help Your Kid Win More At Tournaments – Prodigy Maker Show Episode 70

The Prodigy Maker Show and Podcast

Chris Lewit · Simple Things To Help Your Kid Win More At Tournaments. Episode 70 Prodigy Maker Show

As a parent or coach, you want to help your kids or players perform their best at tournaments. While there are many factors that go into tournament success, there are some simple strategies that can make a big difference. Here are some tips to help your kids win more at tournaments:

“I’ve been kind of shocked learning from my students that they don’t know the right things to do at torments and they often sabotage themselves and cause themselves to have poor performance– Chris Lewit

1. NUTRITION: Proper nutrition is key to athletic performance. Encourage your kids to eat a healthy, balanced diet leading up to the tournament. On tournament day, make sure they have a nutritious breakfast and snacks on hand throughout the day.

2. WARMUPS: A proper warmup is essential to prevent injury and prepare the body for competition. Have your kids do a dynamic warmup that includes movements similar to the sport they are playing.

“If you’re going to arrive at the club and play soon, I would definitely advise you guys, if you’re a parent out there, don’t let your kid nap.” – Chris Lewit

3. ACTIVATION: Activation exercises can help activate and fire up the muscles that are used during the sport. Have your kids do activation exercises specific to their sport before the game.

4. VISUALIZATION: Visualization can help your kids mentally prepare for the game. Encourage them to visualize themselves performing well and winning before the tournament.

5. TACTICS: Understanding tactics and strategies can give your kids an edge over their opponents. Make sure they have a good understanding of the game plan and how to execute it.

6. HANDLING CHEATING: Unfortunately, cheating can occur in tournaments. Teach your kids to stay focused and not get distracted by opponents who may be cheating.

“There’s going to be no more cheating in junior tennis at least with the line calling because we have new electronic systems camera systems, computer systems, that are becoming cost-effective”. – Chris Lewit

7. PERI-MATCH: During the tournament, make sure your kids are staying hydrated and taking breaks when necessary. Please encourage them to stay positive and focused throughout the game.

8. POST MATCH: After the game, help your kids reflect on their performance and what they can do better next time. Make sure they are getting proper rest and recovery for their bodies.

Implementing these simple strategies can help your kids perform their best and win more at tournaments. Remember to encourage them to have fun and enjoy the experience, regardless of the outcome.


  • Pre-match, peri-match, and post-match nutrition
  • Warming-up routines
  • Why you should never sleep close to the match time
  • How parents should be careful about stressing their kids
  • Three approaches to cheating
  • Changeover routines
  • Tennis strategy
  • Post-match recover techniques
  • Timing and planning for the next match
  • Importance of debriefing
  • Using a pool vs hot tub
  • Importance of shower

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