1. Allow physical coaching

2. Allow remote coaching via radio commlink, earpiece, phone, over WiFi etc.

Parent can broadcast match live on YouTube and coach can provide advice at breaks or changeovers.

At higher level where matches are broadcast, coach can advise remotely while watching live feed or tv.

3. Eventually, players will have a comm implant and it will become de rigueur to allow feedback and help from coach at all times during the match or commlinks could be blocked during points and turned on during breaks

The Prodigy Maker, Chris Lewit

Follow Chris at these websites and social media links:

Website: www.chrislewit.com
Blog: www.ProdigyMaker.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChrisLewitTennisAcademy
Twitter: www.twitter.com/chrislewit
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/chris-lewit-tennis-academy
Instagram: www.instagram.com/chrislewittennis/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/ChrisLewit
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-prodigy-maker-tennis-show/