Wisdom of Toni Nadal

Toni Nadal
Toni Nadal, Spanish Legend

“Help your players be consistent. Nothing is more discouraging for players than not knowing if their shots will go in or out.

That’s why we need to devote part of every session to increasing the level of consistency. If you achieve that, you will be making progress.

Johan Cruyff, the great football trainer, said 70% of what happens during a match is easy. If you do this 70 percent right, you will have made a good match.’

He talked about 70 percent, but I think it’s more than that.

If you get the ball in when you are supposed to, things will go well. The problem arises when you fail the easy stuff. When you receive a rather easy ball and can’t manage to put it in. This can create an unease in the player.

Therefore, in order to play well, you must be confident in your consistency first.”

Toni Nadal

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