Uncle Toni on the First 4 Shots Myth

Spanish Methods and Philosophy

For all coaches who believe in the First 4 Myth and who don’t train long rallies anymore:

Uncle Toni says:

“(In practice) I like to do games without service in order to give more continuity to the game. Sometimes when we do it with service, there are too many interruptions…

I know that in today’s tennis 70 percent or so of points are played with less than 4 shots.

Training the opposite would be a contradiction, but I think that in order to get a good command (control), it’s fundamental to get used to passing (rallying) the ball many times more than we will in the future.”

—Toni Nadal

Toni Nadal first 4 Shots mythToni Nadal

Train with Chris Lewit, who is certified in the Toni Nadal Method, in New York City.

Visit ChrisLewit.com for details