We Are In Better Shape Than The Truckers!

Posts and Publications by Chris Lewit

Technology is threatening jobs across many industries —from food service to trucking to retail, etc.

I believe coaching jobs will be threatened by technology—not in the immediate future—but eventually.

We are in better shape than the truckers who are in big trouble in next 20 years, for example.

Chris Lewit, the Prodigy Maker

Follow Chris at these websites and social media links:

Website: www.chrislewit.com
Blog: www.ProdigyMaker.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChrisLewitTennisAcademy
Twitter: www.twitter.com/chrislewit
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/chris-lewit-tennis-academy
Instagram: www.instagram.com/chrislewittennis/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/ChrisLewit
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-prodigy-maker-tennis-show/