Federer Follow Throughs ChrisMay 29, 2019May 30, 2019 Posts and Publications by Chris Lewit Even Federer doesn’t follow through to the top of shoulder anymore! https://www.facebook.com/100001145192967/posts/2206517166063102?s=100001145192967&sfns=mo Notice the frequent forehand follow through to the side of shoulder or lower. As I have been saying for a long time: Follow throughs to the ear or top of shoulder are dead! Stop teaching this to young kids! Why do we insist on teaching outdated form? Notice that when Roger whips the racquet faster his finish tends to be lower and the racquet tip inverts more at the end of the follow through. It’s also rare to see a modern pro catch the racquet at the end of the swing. That’s old school. Some guys do it when swinging at submaximal speeds, especially during warmups and light hitting. But even Fed will not catch racquet when he really starts whipping his arm at top speed. It’s better to let the racquet drift on finish during maximum acceleration. Chris Lewit, Prodigy Maker No more stiff follow throughs in red ball! Share this:FacebookLinkedInTwitterPinterestRedditLike this:Like Loading... <span class="nav-subtitle screen-reader-text">Page</span> Previous PostBe Careful When Mimicking The Technique of Pros When They Warm UpNext PostNo more stiff follow throughs in red ball!