Spanish tennis footwork drills to improve balance, footwork, and movement

In these new videos, Chris is working with a new student Yelena on her movement, balance, stability and footwork.  In Spain, coaches often use the term “support system” to describe the operation of the legs and feet to provide stability for the shot and upper body.

Notice the progression from hand feeding to “the wall” chipping exercise.  This is a common drill sequence in Spain that progressively builds in difficulty to challenge the player who struggles with balance and stability during reception of incoming shots.  By feeding and chipping the ball slowly, Chris doesn’t overwhelm the player and she is able to find her support system.  Chris also gives her time between shots to stick her landing and isometrically hold her position briefly to enhance muscle memory.

Check out more videos by Chris.

Spanish tennis drills with Chris Lewit Headshot
Chris Lewit, Prodigy Maker

Visit the Chris Lewit Tennis Academy.